Rimy3D is a converter for 3D files with a focus on Gothic 1-3 and Risen modding. It can import/export many 3D file formats (including .3ds, .obj and .ase) and offers automatic texture loading, batch conversion and plugins for the 3D applications GMax, 3ds Max and Blender.

Import/export of the Gothic 3 file formats .xcmsh .xact .xlmsh .xnvmsh .xshmat
Import/export of the Gothic 1/2 file formats .3ds .asc
Import/export of the Risen file formats ._xmsh ._xmac ._xcom ._xmat
Import/export of the general purpose 3D file formats .3ds .obj .ase
Plugins for GMax, 3ds Max and Blender
Automatic texture/material lookup when loading 3D models
Batch conversion
Extensive documentation (also available online).
The full import/export capabilities are listed here.
Download for Windows
Rimy3D 1.1 (4MB)
Rimy3D 1.0 (3.8MB)
Rlease refer to the documentation and the WoP modding forums for Gothic 3, Gothic 1/2 and Risen.